Manyama Peter Nyambasi
Manyama Peter Nyambasi Is a practicing advocate of the High Court of Tanzania. He has experience in a wide range of areas of law with over 5 years of experience. His practice focuses on all aspects of law including but not limited to general business law, corporate, legal consultancy in different aspects of law, contractual disputes, Taxation, intellectual property, copyright, and litigations. He has a Post graduate diploma in legal practice from the Laws School of Tanzania. His legal career is connected to the other side of his talent is music and art. As a beneficiary of music education and awareness from the experience in Art at a young age which resulted to be awarded the Guinness Stout Effort Award in 1999 for Special Talent and the Zeze Award in 2000 by Tanzania Culture Trust Fund. Mr. Manyama spends his childhood as a percussionist playing traditional drums and music in the young band Ze Spirits. With a strong base in art from his parents particularly his Father Mr. Peter Nyambasi who was among the pioneer and the Principal of the Bagamoyo College of Art which recently transformed into TASUBA. Mr. Manyama has a wide range of art understandings which has left the foot marks which will always be part of his life despite being an Advocate.

HABIBA ISSAIs a professional performing arts for over 20 years. She is also practicing
social, children and youth arts in promoting various developmental issues through the arts.
Has been working on managing artists in projects and supporting various arts institutions
and artists for over15 years now. Has been doing art management training for 3 months in
Berlin, Germany in 2009. Has participate in various workshops on promoting art and
artists but also participate in various art conferences and managing artists in Festivals. She
like mostly visit in Festival sand live performances. She hold spots graduate degree in Arts and
culture from the University of Dares Salaam (UDSM).